Best Heart Diseases

Structural Heart & Pediatric Heart Diseases

Be Heart Healthy, led by Dr. Ankur Phatarpekar, stands as a beacon of cardiac care excellence in Dadar. Renowned as the best cardiologist in Dadar, Dr. Phatarpekar combines exceptional skill with a compassionate approach, ensuring each patient receives personalized care. Specializing in the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD), Dr. Phatarpekar’s clinic offers cutting-edge interventions like TAVI, TMVR, and MitraClip procedures, ensuring the highest standards of care. By choosing Be Heart Healthy, patients gain access to advanced cardiac care delivered with empathy and expertise. Don’t wait to address your heart health. Schedule a consultation with the best cardiologist in Dadar today and take the first step towards a healthier heart.

Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) also known as Ischemic Heart Disease is one of the leading causes of 7 million deaths across the globe targeting 7% of the urban population and 3.1% of the rural population in India.

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With a strong commitment to staying at the forefront of cardiovascular medicine, Dr. Ankur regularly participates in training programs and Proctors other cardiologists in the latest techniques. His dedication to advancing the field of interventional cardiology and providing the highest standard of care makes him the top choice for patients seeking the best cardiologist in Mumbai.

Ankur Phatarpekar Best Heart Specialist in mumbai

For residents of Navi Mumbai seeking the best heart hospital in Mumbai, look no further than Be Heart Healthy, led by Dr. Ankur Phatarpekar. With a reputation for excellence and a commitment to providing the highest quality care, Be Heart Healthy is the premier destination for comprehensive cardiac care in Navi Mumbai.

As a leading heart specialist in Navi Mumbai, Dr. Ankur specialises in a range of advanced procedures, including TAVI, MitraClip, BMV, and other interventional cardiology techniques. His expertise and dedication to patient care have earned him a reputation as one of the top cardiologists in Mumbai, with patients travelling from across the country to seek his services.

At Be Heart Healthy, we understand the importance of early detection and prevention of heart disease. That’s why we offer comprehensive screening and diagnostic services to help identify risk factors and develop personalised treatment plans. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to providing compassionate care and support to help you achieve optimal heart health.

Whether you’re seeking treatment for a specific cardiac condition or looking to improve your overall heart health, Be Heart Healthy is here to help. Trust us to provide the expert care and support you need to live a heart-healthy life.

Structural heart & pediatric heart diseases: The heart is the most important organ in the body which receives deoxygenated or impure blood from different parts of the body. This blood is then transported to the lungs for purification and the oxygenated or purified blood is then pumped by the heart to the rest of the body.

  • The Heart is made of three layers of tissues consisting of the outer layer of the epicardium, the middle layer of the myocardium, and the inner layer of endocardium. The Pericardium is the layer protecting all the 3 layers of the heart
  • The Heart is divided into 4 chambers called 2 atriums and 2 ventricles. Atriums are the upper small collecting chambers of the heart and ventricles are the lower large pumping chambers of the heart
  • Septums of the heart: Walls like septums divide the right and left sides of the heart. The “Atrial Septum” divides the atriums and the “Ventricular Septum” divides the ventricles of the heart
  • Valves of the heart: Atrioventricular valves or cuspid valves separate the atrium from ventricles. The tricuspid valve or the right atrioventricular valve divides the right atrium from the right ventricle. The bicuspid valve or the left atrioventricular valve divide the left atrium from the left ventricle.
  • Around 5 litres of blood is pumped by the heart through the process of circulation
  • There are 2 circulatory mechanisms of the heart are Pulmonary Circulation and Systemic Circulation
  • Pulmonary Circulation: The right side of the heart receives impure blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs for purification via the “Pulmonary Artery”. The right atrium and the right ventricle are involved in pulmonary circulation
  • Systemic Circulation: The left side of the heart receives the purified blood from the lungs and distributes it via the “Aorta” to the rest of the body (except the heart and lungs). Wastes from the body cells are removed and the deoxygenated blood is returned to the heart for pulmonary circulation
  • Usually, arteries carry oxygenated blood and veins carry deoxygenated blood with the only exception of the Pulmonary artery and Pulmonary vein performing opposite functions.
  • Unlike adults, there is a wide range of heart conditions in children and develop into congenital heart diseases. Congenital heart diseases are developed in children at the time of birth and may persist in adulthood if untreated or undiagnosed.
  • Arrhythmia
  • Deletion Disorders
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Heart Failure
  • Kawasaki Disease
  • Congenital Heart Defects
  • Heart Murmurs
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Atrial Septal Defect
  • Ventricular Septal Defect
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Pulmonary Stenosis
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Atrioventricular Canal Defect
  • Truncus Arteriosus
  • Patent Ductus Arteriosus
  • Transposition of the Great Arteries
  • Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
  • Interrupted Aortic Arch
  • Ebstein’s Anomaly
  • Single Ventricle (Functionally Univentricular Heart)
  • Coarctation of the Aorta
  • Pulmonary Atresia
  • Genetics: Lack of certain genes or chromosomes in the child’s DNA and history of congenital heart defects
  • External environmental factors that affect the development of the heart during pregnancy
  • Maternal Factors like the exposure of the mother to harmful substances in the first trimester, at the time of heart development in the fetus
  • Medication: Certain contraindicated medicines if taken by the mother during pregnancy can cause congenital heart defects
  • Children to mothers on anti-seizure drugs are prone to developing heart defects
  • Mothers with phenylketonuria (PKU), an inborn error of metabolic condition have children with congenital heart defects if they do not take correct dietary measures
  • Mothers with uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes mellitus may have children prone to these congenital heart defects
  • Pregnant women infected with the Rubella virus have a high chance of giving birth to a baby with congenital heart defects.

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